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Long-form Content
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Daniel Costa
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Wed, 17 Aug
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Roger Huang
Toronto, Canada
Consultations, Mentoring and Hands-On Work
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Lele Muller
Specialized in creating long-form content that reaches new audiences.
Content Maketing
Content Creation
Ritika Puri
Content Creation
Ritika Puri
Content Creation
Ritika Puri
Content Creation
Generating 50K leads with long-form content marketing for Springboard
50,000 leads
Generated approximately 50K leads
6 figures revenue
6 figures incremental revenue
Diane Nguyen
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9:30 AM
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
Agreement with
JPMorgan Chase Bank
Collaboration Type
Hourly payment
Thomas will charge an hourly rate of $100
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Lead Generation Project
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Content Creation for Social Media
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sit sed tristique in in quis adipiscing nibh faucibus in. Nullam lacinia diam in at sagittis, pretium aliquet sociis vel.
Maria Mitsostergiou
Paid Advertising Freelancer
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Uwe Hook
Marketing Strategy Freelancer
“The quality of leads is good and the whole platform is well-designed. Highly recommended.”
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Tomas Laurinavicius
Content Marketing freelancer
“You won't be flooded with leads all the time, but the ones you will get will be carefully matched to your preferences.”
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The First Marketer Podcast
Conversations with early marketers behind some of the fastest growing startups about projects that were key to their growth.
Riddhi Shah and Gusto: A Content Strategy that turned a Crisis into an Opportunity
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Ophir Prusak and Rivery: Reaching a New Audience through Product Lead Growth
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Alex Kracov and Lattice: Building a Community to Fuel Growth
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